La neutralité du Net constitue sans le moindre doute une des grandes problématiques de l’Internet, problématique dont l’importance est cruciale pour la liberté d’expression (essentielle en démocratie cela va sans dire). Le simple fait que la majorité des ~grands~ medias lui accordent une place si réduite en dit long sur leur degré d’allégeance aux puissantes oligarchies financières. Laissons la parole à Tims Berners-Lee, Lawrence Lessig, Robert W. McChesney.
The Internet is increasingly becoming the dominant medium binding us. The neutral communications medium is essential to our society. It is the basis of a fair competitive market economy. It is the basis of democracy, by which a community should decide what to do. It is the basis of science, by which humankind should decide what is true.
Let us protect the neutrality of the net.
– Tim Berners-Lee
Neutrality of the Net by Tim Berners-Lee
Net Neutrality: This is serious by Tim Berners-Lee
Without net neutrality, the Internet would start to look like cable TV. A handful of massive companies would control access and distribution of content, deciding what you get to see and how much it costs. Major industries such as health care, finance, retailing and gambling would face huge tariffs for fast, secure Internet use…Most of the great innovators in the history of the Internet started out in their garages with great ideas and little capital. This is no accident. Network neutrality protections minimized control by the network owners, maximized competition and invited outsiders in to innovate. Net neutrality guaranteed a free and competitive market for Internet content.
—Lawrence Lessig & Robert W. McChesney